Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the
Acadian Entomological Society
in conjunction with the
Entomological Society of Canada

October 15-18, 2004
Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown, PEI

Acadian Entomological Society 64th Annual Business Meeting
October 17, 2004

The meeting was called to order at 1715 h by President Jon Sweeney. 18 members were present. R. West acted as secretary and J. Sweeney presented the treasurer’s report in the absence of Secretary/Treasurer, Don Ostaff.

1. Additions to and approval of the agenda.
Dan Quiring moved and Donna Giberson seconded that the agenda be accepted. Carried.

2. Minutes of the 63rd Annual General Meeting
Chris Lucarotti moved and Yvan Pelletier seconded that the minutes be approved. Carried.

3. Business arising from the minutes
There was no business arising from the minutes.

4. President’s Report
Jon Sweeney presented the President’s report.

5. Treasurer’s Reports for 2003 and 2004
Peggy Dixon moved and Kenna MacKenzie seconded to accept the Treasurer’s reports for 2003 and 2004 (appended). Carried.

6. New Business

a. AES Journal
The web-based Journal of the Acadian Entomological Society is now accepting submissions. See for more details.

b. 2005 Annual Meeting
Following discussion, it was agreed to hold the 2005 annual meeting in Fredericton in late June. Dan Quiring will ask the Biology Department at the University of New Brunswick to provide meeting space.

c. New Regional Director
Donna Giberson moved and Dan Quiring seconded that Kenna MacKenzie be the Regional Director for the AES for 2005. Carried.

7. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 1750 h following a motion by Donna Giberson seconded by Gilles Boiteau.

Conference Proceedings
Please click here to download full proceedings and abstracts of the 2004 Joint Annual Meeting with the Entomomological Society of Canada